Ko wai |
Who we are
Ūpane is an iwi-led Professional Development platform which focusses on individual and organisation development in Te Ao Māori and beyond.
Developed under Te Rūnanga o Toa Rangatira, the vision of Ūpane is to expand your understanding and application of kaupapa Māori in all professions. Kia whiti te rā ki runga i a tātou!
He aha |
What we do
We have a range of uniquely designed workshops and short-courses to help people ignite their cultural connection, capability and competency. Our future-focused frameworks will enable individuals and organisations to be successful in engaging with iwi Māori.
We also offer Professional Development opportunities that are aimed at providing individuals with the tools they need to thrive in their chosen profession and prepare them for the future.
Mā wai |
Who we help
Our courses are designed for individuals and professionals in various sectors with a focus on:
Education & Curriculum
Iwi Engagement
Te Tiriti o Waitangi
Meaningful Partnership
Ngāti Toa History & Significant Sites
The Roles of Government and Mana Whenua
Post-Settlement Landscape
Te Reo Māori me ōna tikanga
Meet the team
Maria Dunlop
Innovation Solutions
Ethan Sagar
Digital & Design
Whaiora Cullinan
Project Coordinator
Nicole Willis
Business Development Manager
Joy Aing
Product Lead
Nirvana Wi Neera
Pairama Wright
Professional Development Facilitator
Keanyn Arthur
Delivery Team
Ella Ware
Graphic Designer
Kia Whiti te rā
Join Ūpane
Whether you're a business partner seeking to make a positive impact, a kaimahi ready to embark on a transformative journey, or whānau looking for opportunities to grow, Ūpane welcomes you.